5 Valentine's Day Inspired Pieces, Perfect for Your Sweetheart

You love your Sweetheart... and your Sweetheart loves glass... why not make Valentine's that much more special by getting him or her the perfect Valentine's day piece. Here are 5 super sweet and romantic presents for your special someone this Valentine's day.

Pretty in Pink and at an amazing price too! 

Nothing says Valentine's like a lips print on a beautiful rig.

Pink and Perc-ilicious for under $100!

She will have you commiting love in the 3rd degree.

Toast the night with this champagne!

These are just 5 water pipes Los Hierberos... Each comes in various styles, designs, sizes, and brands. Check one out for your bae and taste the difference. Want ideas on what to do on Valentine's day, check out our blog here for ideas for a cannabis infused holiday <3

Have any questions? Hit us up! Because we love weed, do you?


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