How to make a Snow Bong

Its almost snow bong season... a chill is in the air and frost is on the ground.  Its almost time for some of the cleanest rips you can get courtesy of SNOW! Basically snow acts as a super filter for your bong, and gives you cool, clean and amazing rips.

So how do you make a snow bong... follow these easy steps:
1) Wait for snow where you are
2) Go Outside! Its beautiful... awwwwwwe
3) Go back inside, get your bong!
4) Go back outside, pack that bong chamber with snow as tight as you can
5) Go back inside (it's cold and you want to be cozy afterall)
6) Take a rippppp!

ANDDDD for you graphic learners here is a summary chart, because we love weed... do you?


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