7 Reasons YOU should grow Cannabis

 So you're considering Home Cultivation but other than curiosity what are the reasons why you should try... Well here are 7 reasons you absolutely should regardless of how green your thumb is:

1.  It's Legal. On October 17th 2018 Marijuana legalization occurs in Canada, and one of the provisions is you can personally cultivate up to 4 plants. As well, many states in the USA have provisions to allow the cultivation of plants for personal use.

2. It's fun. Growing Cannabis is a hobby, and you will enjoy it.  Watching your baby girls grow is fun and entertaining.  I find myself obsessed with their growth and success.

3. It's educational.  Many people have enjoyed cannabis for years but have no knowledge of how it really grows and produces.  If anything you will walk away with an appreciation of the plants that you have enjoyed the products of for years.  You can explore the strains and types, experiment with different grow set ups... the possibilities are endless for the lifelong learner.

4. It's inexpensive.  You can start to grow with a small initial investment, especially if trying an outdoor grow.  If you enjoy it you can scale up your operation to indoor grows with tents, fans and lamps.

5. It's Transparent.  You Make the Decisions.  You pick the strain of plant to grow, the soil, the conditions, and the quality.  You know how the plants were grown and cared for, because you did it! No fears of fungicide, pesticides and nasties used to grow the Cannabis on a commercial level!

6. It's Productive.  The average cannabis plant produces 1-2lbs of marijuana depending on the strain and conditions it was grown in.

7. It's a Community. The Cannabis Community is one of the kindest, most supportive communities imaginable.  Everyone is here to help! Follow this blog for tips and help or shoot us an email anytime with your concerns.


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