Outdoor Adventures with Cannabis: Tips on your next Outdoor Sesh

Spring is on our doorsteps, which means most of us, especially in beautiful B.C., are dusting off our hiking boots, packing our knapsacks and setting off for adventures in nature. Cannabis makes a natural companion for explorers – the cathartic experience of smoking in fresh air that makes us feel more connected to the great outdoors. Before heading off on your next hike, make sure you’re equipped with the knowledge you need to be both safe and considerate with your cannabis use. What you will need to pack: 1. Water: And lots of it. Nothing worse than dry mouth with no relief. Plus smoking cannabis requires an increase of fluids to stay hydrated. 2. A lighter : Its rough to have your piece or joint ready and realize... you have nothing to light it 3. A portable piece or joint : Most hikers prefer a small pipe, bubbler, or joint for portability and to avoid breaking their favorite piece or lugging around one far too large. 4. Herb: Some strains are actually named afte...