5 Valentine's Day Inspired Pieces, Perfect for Your Sweetheart

You love your Sweetheart... and your Sweetheart loves glass... why not make Valentine's that much more special by getting him or her the perfect Valentine's day piece. Here are 5 super sweet and romantic presents for your special someone this Valentine's day. 1. Red Eye Tek™ 8" Splash Beaker Tube with Flat Mouthpiece in Pink $49.99 reg $54.99 Pretty in Pink and at an amazing price too! 2. R ed Eye Glass 8.5" Tall Black Lips Concentrate Beaker Tube W/Full Wrap Dec $99.99 reg $119.99 Nothing says Valentine's like a lips print on a beautiful rig. 3. Red Eye Glass 11" Dual Chamber Beaker Tube with 8 Arm Tree Perc $99.99 reg. $119.99 Pink and Perc-ilicious for under $100! 4. Cheech & Chong Glass 12" Third Degree Straight Tube in Pink $109.99 reg $149.99 She will have you commiting love in the 3rd degree. 5. Champagne Metallic Terminator Finish Hex Tube with Canteen Base $114.99 reg $129.99 Toast...