10 Things to do if You Have Had Too Much Cannabis

Cannabis is wonderful in the right dose, but too much can amplify your anxiety, bring on paranoia, and cause an all out freak out. The good news is, it’s mostly in your mind: there has been no report of death from a cannabis overdose. Cannabis will not permanently damage your liver, kidneys, or even your brain, and though taking too much can temporarily kick up your heart rate, the worst it will do is make you feel extra nervous. That being said, your mind can be a scary place. Once THC gets into your system, there is not much to do other than wait it out, which can make for an uncomfortable experience. So what do you do when you’ve accidentally smoked or ingested too much cannabis? Here are 10 tips to help you through it: Breath in or chew black pepper Sounds gross, but many swear by it! Just sniff or chew on a few black peppercorns and it should provide almost instantaneous relief. Go outside, get some fresh air If you can’t turn your brain off, sometim...