Dabbing Essentials: What you need to smoke concentrates

Smoking concentrates is a whole new ball game to smoking herb. It is, however, rewarding in that hits do not contain the ash and particulates and are much stronger and pure. Smoking concentrates, or dabbing, is intimidating as it requires new equipment, set up and technique. Here is a handy guide to help you on your way, with the essentials to dabbing: 1. The first thing absolutely required for dabbing is a dab rig and nail or banger. A rig is a modified water pipe that has either a male or female glass joint (14 mm or 18 mm) to hold a nail or banger instead of a typical dry herb pullout. The banger has the same connection as a dry herb pullout while a nail has a long projection. The nail or banger is made of titanium or quartz and is heated with a torch extremely hot so when a concentrate is placed onto it, it vaporizes upon contact. Dab rigs range in size and quality. Whether you prefer a small little rig that fits in the palm of your hand or a tabl...